

Jamie Taylor
Before I started at Massive Workouts life was a struggle. Within 3 Years of no training and eating an unhealthy diet I managed to stack on 30 kilos of fat which lifted my weight to an all time high of 128 kilograms.
I tried many diets and training Fads only to fail each time. I was overweight, uncomfortable with my appearance, low on energy and always wanted to stay home and feel sorry for myself. My wife and I were planning on having a baby so I knew I had to do something to get myself back in shape, so I made my way into Massive Workouts.
James and Sonia were very supportive, James coached me through tough and challenging workout routines and Sonia helped motivate me to keep at it and not give up. The first couple of weeks were the hardest, but I’m glad I stuck at it. Within 3 months I lost 23 kilos and after 9 months a total of 40 kilograms weighing in at 88 kilos and 6.5% body fat the lowest I have ever been. Not only did I lose weight I also increased my strength and overall fitness.
I’d like to thank James and Sonia for believing in me and seeing potential that I myself couldn’t see. If it wasn’t for their push and motivation I wouldn’t be the man I am today. I’d also like to thank everyone at Massive Workouts who helped me, motivated me and inspired me to be the best that I could be.
Massive Workouts isn’t just a gym, it’s a lifestyle, its where I go to train with people who care about changing their lives for the better.
Who are we?? We are MASSIVE!!!


Louise Scicluna
I am not one to say very much and to show my emotions. I was not in a good mental and physical state. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, underwent a knee reconstruction, overweight and depressed. I just wanted to pack up and leave Sydney.
A good friend recommended me to come and try Massive Workouts. The first day I trialled, I noticed the encouraging and friendly environment. I trained 3 days that week and felt soreness in every muscle.
James and his training methods were something I had never experienced before. Massive Workouts was soon to become a big part of my life. As the weeks went by, I could see and feel a real difference. I dropped 18 kgs and became fitter, stronger, faster and happier since my younger years. This has led me to cut down on my Rheumatoid Arthritis medication and I hopefully will not require it in the future.
James pushed me to new limits. He gave me belief, discipline and attitude. He promotes this to the whole team. James, Sonia and all who train at Massive, give it an encouraging and friendly atmosphere. These all go hand in hand. I have made so many wonderful friendships at Massive. I would like to thank Team Massive for getting me here today.
It has been a positive life changing experience!


Patriece Zappia
I've always been active. Always loved sports and going to the gym. Something wasn't quite right though. I would go to my local gym 5 days a week and power walk on a treadmill for an hour and watch the Ellen DeGenerous show. My workout was lacking everything. Guidance, encouragement, discipline, atmosphere and structure. I thought to myself 'what am I doing wrong?' Growing up I have always felt self conscience about my body and I wanted to try something different. I needed a change. I needed to shock my body. So I did!
My massive workouts journey started mid June 2014. My sister told me about massive and I thought to myself 'if she can do it so can I!'
The first night I walked into HQ I was scared, I was nervous but I would never have forgiven myself if I didn't give it a go! The regulars spotted the newbie and they took me under their wing and I felt so comfortable. The first time I met James Wanna I was so scared but I soon saw how patient he was with me and with everybody else and I knew where I now belonged. The very next day I went to my 'local gym' and cancelled my membership. They tried to talk me out of it but there was no changing my mind. Only one hour at massive and I finally knew what I had been missing.
Massive workouts has changed my life. James Wanna has changed my life. When I first started at massive I couldn't even run 500m. Now everyday I run 3km before our session starts and 10-14km every Sunday.
In August I ran my first city to surf and I finished the 14km run in 71mins. I also entered the ANZ Spartan 12km obstacle stadium sprint representing massive workouts in the elite squad and conquered that in 1hr 22mins and 30secs placing 7th out of 548 girls who had entered, also aiding the massive elite team to take the title of the fasted team! It has become an addiction, a good addiction! The atmosphere in which james wanna creates for us is what pushes us to wanna be better, eat better and train better. Training at HQ every night at 6pm has become apart of my daily routine and I wouldn't have it any other way! (Even the occasional double doesn't hurt!!)
To be surrounded by like-minded people is the massive difference. To be supported and encouraged by an amazing trainer who lives and breathes what he believes in is the massive difference. I'm 26 years old and I am finally happy with myself.
When I first started at massive I had an assessment and I weighed 69kg and my body fat % was 28.6, now I weigh 60kg and by body fat now sits at 14.3% and I have james to thank for that. He has guided me, pushed me, encouraged me to be the very best I can be and I can never repay him for bringing out the beast in me!
If your not training at massive, you're not training.


Mirjana Pavlovic
I started going to Massive Workouts after a friend said "you need to try going there, I go there and it is good". So I tried it and after the first out of breath (where I thought I was not going to make it back home in one piece) and hardest session of my life I swore that "I would never be coming back". However, to my disbelief (and to many others) I still attend Massive Workouts on a personal training basis and going from comments to people who have not seen me in a while to people and who do see me regularly; the comments have gone from "Oh my god, is that you?", "You look a million dollars?" "What are you doing?" and the answer that I give is the same I go to Massive Workouts. I can honestly say that the people here do know what they are talking about. The comments that I now receive are not only about my physical appearance but also about me as a person as a more sociable, confident, personable, happy, peaceful person. Which I believe to be true as well.
When I do get asked "how much I have lost?" or "do you remember what you looked like before?" I tell them "I carry a photo with me so that I know how far I have come and how different I do look from the person I was".
Not only have I changed my lifestyle for the better but also family, neighbours, friends and people at work have done so. The amount of people who now have incorporated exercising apart of their lifestyle is something that I did not think that I would be apart or tell people to do. I would highly recommend (as always) Massive Workouts not only for helping me (the laziest person I know) to get to exercise regularly but it is now a part of my lifestyle.


Adrian Miano
I have been with Massive Workouts for a few years now and it has been life transforming to say the least. I was recommended by a friend who, like me, was bored with the repetition of the gym. Still to this day I am excited before every session as each session is different from the last, working different muscle groups and discovering limits all the time! Massive Workouts has given me more than I could ever have expected, not only a new passion for exercise, but education on the importance of food and diet. I have overcome many hurdles with much support from James and the rest of the Massive crew members. I feel better about myself than I have for many years, my thanks I owe to James who has motivated me to reach my goals.


Sabrina Poci
Exercise has always been a hobby of mine, however i feel like i had no idea what exercise was before Massive! I have been training at Massive for 3 years now, and it is the best thing I've ever done for myself.
Not only did it give me results as promised, but also gave me self confidence and a new learning experience on just how important exercise and healthy eating is for the mind and body!
Massive workouts has helped me accomplish events like city2surf, True Grit, and Spartan races (mud included) which was something I never would have considered doing on my own!
The supportive atmosphere in the room from everyone around you is overwhelming. It really did get me to new PB's I didn't think were ever possible!! The thrill of having no idea what James has in store for us each and every session definitely keeps me on my toes!
James and Sonia are the most inspiring people i have ever met! You guys are incredible.
Massive Workouts is now a second home for me, and i wouldn't have it any other way!


Kelly McGarry
I started training at Massive at the beginning of 2013. I’ve trained on and off for the past 17 years and I believe I am in the best physical condition now than I have ever been. I’ve surprised myself and have accomplished things I would never have dreamed of since joining Massive!
When I found out I was pregnant with my second child I was a little worried after putting on 20kg with my first pregnancy. I was determined not to let this happen again and James assured me I would be fine! Under his guidance I trained right through my pregnancy until around 36 weeks. He always made sure that I was safely training to my full potential. Following my second delivery via c-section I found my recovery to be a lot easier and quicker and was back to light training 6 weeks later. In less than 6 months I had my pre-baby body back!
Leading a healthy lifestyle is not only important for my own wellbeing but to set a good example for my 2 girls especially in today’s society. My 6 year old also does Massive Juniors and loves it!
I can’t thank James, Sonia and the team at Massive enough for their help and support since joining!


Jessica Zappia
In June 2014, I decided to change my lifestyle forever. Sick of always being bloated and feeling uncomfortable, I knew I had to make an active decision to change things before it was too late.
I had never been to a gym before, never even exercised. Hadn't even ran more than 50 metres. I didn't even know what to do in a gym. So I had always been scared to join.
Then I heard about Massive Workouts. I was so nervous on my first day, but if I didn't like it, I knew I wasn't going back.
It was very overwhelming as I walked into MW headquarters. James, the head trainer greeted me and we had a quick chat about what I wanted from this. I clearly remember what I said to him. I said "James I need your help, I'm losing myself." He assured me that it wouldn't be an easy road but we would get there together.
I was welcomed by the 9am ladies class and there was so many girls that were more than happy to coach me through the routines. I actually really enjoyed my first session...and more importantly I survived!!!
I attend the 9am ladies only class which works well because i have my 3 year old daughter with me. This is definitely the perfect environment for mums. My daughter is safe, she is happy and mummy can get in her 1 hour workout! The mums there are so inspiring, some even have as many as 5-6 kids!!! It's such a positive environment and it feels great to be apart of something.
I've changed my diet completely and I'm now going to MW 4-5 times a week.
I never imagined that at almost 30 years of age, after two kids,... Id be proud to say that I'm feeling the best I ever have. I'm healthy, I'm fit and I'm leading by good example in educating my family about how important it is to lead a healthy life.
All of this wouldn't have been possible, without our head trainer, Mr James Wanna. Thankyou for your patience, Thankyou for never giving up on me. It's never too late to start. But you have to start somewhere and Massive Workouts is definitely the place to be!


Connie Kaltoum
I have three kids under the age of four and I'm in the best shape I've ever been.
I have been training at Massive Workouts since after the birth of my first baby four years ago. The aim was simply to get back to my pre pregnancy weight and then continue with life as I always had done. I have never had a problem with weight until I couldn't seem to shed the baby weight after baby number one, even having tried numerous diets that had helped me with a couple kg here and there in the past. This weight just didn't want to budge.
I found Massive Workouts and have honestly never looked back. I did reach my goal of pre baby weight but I couldn't stop there. I had begun to enjoy it so much that I just wanted to reach the next goal, drop more body fat, become stronger, faster, better than I was last year, last month or last week! And I did. I had transformed into one of those people I never in my life thought I would - the ones that love to workout.
Then I fell pregnant with baby number two.... And repeat! I did return to Massive, and I did get fitter than I had even after baby number one!
Before I knew it baby number three was on his way. I got the go ahead from my doctor and with the right guidance from James and support from the team I continued to train with the group up until I was 37 weeks pregnant.
Now my youngest is 5 month old I'm back to my pre baby body and on track to being fitter after each pregnancy.
If I had listened to the majority of people I knew back then I would have sat back after starting a family and accepted that my body would "never be the same again after having kids", and that weight gain was inevitable and "a part of life now". But I was lucky to find Massive where that is certainly not the mentality and surrounded myself every day with positive and motivated people who didn't think like that. James' knowledge and experience is second to none and both he and his team are always available to help even if it's a quick message to get you back on track.
Don't listen to what others say you cant do, don't be anything less than your best and trust James and the team at Massive to get you where you want to be.


Leslie Arie
My journey started around 2 years ago. I was an unfit over weight middle aged lady. I joined Massive workouts to shred a few kilos and gain a little fitness. I can still remember at the end of my first session, James asked if I was coming back the following night as he explained I would be a little sore, I told him I had a facial appointment, he suggested I cancel and face up for another session. So I did…. When I arrived the next night he said let’s all start off with our 3km warm up run, that was up and down the horrid Victoria Hill.
I got as far as the driveway and was buggered….I did finish the run though, it took me 28 minutes to complete, but I did it !!!! I persisted and continued attending the sessions at least 4 – 5 days a week.
I was doing really well, then I went on an overseas trip for 6 weeks, not a good idea James wasn’t there to keep me on track. I had fallen back into my bad habits, I came back a little over weight….
April this year James and I sat down and had a chat, my daughter was getting married and I really needed to shred the kilos I had put on while overseas. James and I worked very hard, probably him more than me… hahaha. He was constantly reminding me “you have a wedding to go to”
In September for the wedding I had hit my goal weight, I had lost around 12 kilos, I was over the moon with my results, eating properly and working hard at the Massive sessions really paid off. I felt wonderful and looked great for the big day in my daughter’s life.
Massive is like one big family, Sonia and James Wanna and the rest of their team make everyone feel so welcome. All the members that attend these workouts sessions are very friendly and encouraging, I would recommend it to anyone of any age.
P.S. My last recorded 3km run up that horrid hill was at 16mins and 45 secs. I am so pleased with my results.
A big thankyou once again to Sonia and James Wanna.


Ozge Demir
Team Massive has changed my life forever. I say TEAM because I wouldn't have came this far in my progress and results without the push and support from James & Sonia as well as my fellow trainees which I now call friends at Massive. It is not just about weight loss but an incredible journey getting healthy and fit. My weight/body fat % loss has been dramatic and my health and fitness levels have increased so much. When I first started I could not run or do any other exercise James instructed me and thanks to James, I have completed City 2 Surf which is a big accomplishment for me. Getting results and compliments from others makes getting up every morning and pushing my self even further worth it. I cannot recommend Massive Workouts enough it is life changing.
You will not regret it!


Sylvia Ta
I started at Massive Workouts about 2 years ago, prior to that I was going to my local gym. When I was going to the local gym I wasn't very motivated, doing the group classes, week in week out, it actually got boring. I heard about Massive Workouts. As soon as I started, I absolutely loved it!
James is the most passionate and dedicated trainer out there! The workouts actually became fun and addictive!! The training environment is extremely friendly. Along the way, I have toned up to the shape I always wanted and couldn't be happier!


Maima Katieli
I am 30 years old, a wife and mother with 4 young girls. For the past 4 years I trained myself at home, last year I decided to join a gym. I though at that time that I was fit until I went to Massive Workouts for my free trial... Boy was I wrong! I was a huge reality check for me because I realized I wasn’t as fit as I thought I was!
I am now in my 3rd term with Massive Workouts and ‘LOVING’ every part of my journey with them. Since I’ve trained there, my body fat has dropped, waist, thighs and arms have shrunk and my abs have emerged (something I never thought possible for an islander mother), but they have. My running has improved so much, which has increased my fitness level. I am now much stronger, physically, mentally and spiritually. The most important thing that I love about Massive Workouts is that everyone there is treated like family. I’ve made some life long friends, yes we are there for personal reasons and goals, but the amount of love, support, encouragement and motivation and not to mention the awesome intensity from those I train with is AMAZING!! Which makes this fitness journey a happy one.
James and the Massive team are not just getting their jobs done, they do it with GENUINE love. He cares and knows each and everyone of his clients. He knows their strengths, their weaknesses and how to push each person to be at their BEST. I get butterflies before every training session because every single one I’ve been to has been challenging yet fulfilling and very rewarding and so much FUN and exciting.
Without Challenges, we cannot grow and this is the place to be tested, to be challenged, to help you not just with your fitness journey but also with life in general. Massive has been and still is a BIG blessing in my life because they have taught me so much more than being skinny.
Once you go Massive, you can’t go back. This is the place to get fit… where dreams are made and come true!


Chris Hennessy
I started training at Massive doing personal training 3 days a week. I had a goal to be under 120kg before Christmas, a total loss of 22kg. We started off at a level much higher than I had anticipated, but I was able to do a lot more than I thought I was capable of. I never liked running, my first session I couldn't even run 400m without feeling like passing out.
Three months later, after working up to eventually running 800m my trainer told me to run for one more lap, and I said "No". She replied with "Well what if you can?" So I had a go and was able to run a further 1.2km.
Soon after, my trainer went overseas and I was 'forced' to train at the Massive bootcamp. The first few sessions were tough, definitely a step up from what I had already been doing but I still managed. I was the slowest runner, lifted lighter weights than everyone but I still showed up at 6am and I still got everything done. James was always around to push me in the right direction, correct techniques and help everyone get the job done (mostly by threatening penalties that were waaaaaay worse than what we were already doing).
Once my trainer got back, I wanted to stay at bootcamp. The 12 week period ended in October, I jumped on my scales at home and was 119kg! I had met my goal for December in October. So naturally I rethought my goal (112kg by Christmas) and signed up for round 2.
Now I am a much faster runner, I am lifting heavier weights and today completed a 4.8km run in 33 minutes, without any stopping. I have had a dramatic life change that I don't think I would have ever had without Massive Workouts. I have never done the same workout twice and often I suprise myself at how much I have actually progressed. Every workout is a personal challenge and every day that challenge is met.


Jessica Bills
I have been with Massive Workouts since September 2011. When I started I was overweight, lacked confidence, was becoming antisocial and very uncomfortable within my own skin. I had never been fit and always thought my body shape was something I could never change. But I started Massive Workouts with the goal to lose at least one dress size.
When I started Massive Workouts I was very impressed with James Wanna’s passion as a trainer. Even though he trains a full class, I never felt that I had to find my own way (like at a gym). For example, James remembers your strength in weights and will tell you what weights to use and when you should start to increase. James’s passion goes from fitness training, to nutritional advice to even advising on different footwear. Within the first few months I noticed my fitness increase and I had lost centimetres around my body, the most significant being around my stomach. Within 3 months, I had gone from a size 10 or 12 dress to squeezing into some size 8’s.
Other than the physical changes, Massive Workouts has also affected my way of thinking. With the changes in my body, my family and friends started to make comments about my weight loss and this gave me confidence to be more social and also a new drive to commit to being a healthier, stronger person. Early 2012 my partner convinced me to sign up for Tough Mudder. I had never even competed in a running race at the time and was very hesitant to sign up at first. I remember consulting James Wanna and the advice he gave was ‘never underestimate your fitness’. Within a few months, we had almost 30 participants of Massive Workouts sign up for the challenge and James Wanna gave us bonus training sessions, as well as the regular intense boot camp classes so that anyone attending Massive Workouts would have been ready to sign up. Completing this event in September 2012 was one of the best challenges I had ever set for myself. I pushed myself to be fitter, my diet also became cleaner to ensure I had the correct fuel in my body to keep up the training sessions, and I also made friends with some amazing people within the group along the way.
After 15 months of training at Massive Workouts my dress size has now dropped to a size 6. But the best feeling about Massive Workouts is that I am no longer training with the goal to lose weight. I train with Massive Workouts to see how much stronger I can be, what new challenges I can accomplish and to spend time with some of the most motivating and inspiring people I have ever met.


Hakan Celik
Dear James & Sonia,
This letter is to thank you for all the Massive workouts you have set week in week out. The professionalism in which you conduct your workouts is excellent and it is unbelievable how the sessions are never the same format which makes me look forward to each session.
What also was impressive is how you remember all the client's names making us feel important and not just like a dollar sign which is very important. With a Strictly NO Negativity policy the atmosphere is very positive with everyone pushing each other to reach their goals.
Your attitude makes you approachable for any questions or advice I need to get the most out of my workouts which you have helped with.
The reason why I came to Massive Workouts was to keep in shape whilst in offseason as I play Football (Soccer), my initial thoughts were that I would not gain much out of it but after 6 weeks I have lost 7kg and my overall strength and speed has increased. Being 33 years old I am playing against much younger opponents but Team Massive has put me in a position where I have no troubles keeping up with them. With the season only a few months away I can confidently say that I will be Healthy, Fit and Ready to Win.
Once again thank you James, Sonia and all the Team MW members for giving me the edge I needed to play the sport I love.
P.S. Who are we? Massive!!!.... What are going to do? Destroy!!!


Anna Flinders
I joined MW to tone up after I had lost some weight, and I gained so much more than I ever believed possible! I achieved weight loss, fat loss, strength, fitness, and friends. I recently moved to the area and knew no-one. Now I have this fantastic group of people that I get to meet with at every MW session, and all of us share a common goal and we all support one another! James is fantastic and he has shown me that I have a fitness level I never believed I could have. He has taught me to believe in myself again! Now, I am ready to get up in the mornings to drop my four kids at school and I have so much more energy! I have MW to thank for my new lease on life!